主要研究方向为(1)新型共价有机框架材料合成及应用,(2)功能性纤维材料制备及应用。先后主持了湖北省教育厅科研计划类项目、重点实验室项目、校企合作项目8项。近年来在Materials Chemistry Frontiers, Separation and Purification Technology,Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers等国际重要学术期刊发表SCI论文10多篇。曾获湖北省教学成果三等奖1项,校级教学成果一等奖1项。
1. 新型纤维素/共价有机框架复合材料的制备及应用,纺织新材料及其应用研究湖北省重点实验室项目,2024年。
2. 共价有机框架材料的设计、制备及在土壤修复中的应用,主持,校基金B,2023年。
3. 纤维素-共价有机框架复合材料的设计、制备及碘捕获性能研究,教育厅科研计划项目,2022年。
4. 纤维素整体支撑二维共价有机框架作为污染物捕获的分级多孔材料,生物质纤维与生态染整湖北省重点实验室项目,2021年。
5. 纤维素-共价有机骨架双层膜用以高效碘捕获,武汉市生态染整与功能纺织品工程技术中心项目,2021年。
6. 含杂原子共价有机框架材料的制备及其在荧光传感领域的应用,校企合作项目,2021年。
7. 壳聚糖-共价有机骨架双层膜的制备及应用,生物质纤维与生态染整湖北省重点实验室项目,2020年。
8. 新型功能性纤维复合材料纤维素基与共价有机框架材料的交互式设计与可控制备、表征及其捕获放射性碘的性能,生物质纤维与生态染整湖北省重点实验室项目,2019年。
[1] Y. Liu, Q. He, Y. Li, Y. Li*, C. He, Synthesis of copper-based nanoparticles confined in a pyridine N-containing COF and their catalytic applications, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 364 (2024) 112868.
[2] Y. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Li*, C. He, Thioether-functionalized covalent organic framework for mercury removal, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 681 (2024) 132807.
[3] G. Yu, Y. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Li*, Y. Zhang, C. He, A robust sp2 carbon-conjugated COF for efficient iodine uptake, Separation and Purification Technology, 312 (2023) 123401.
[4] Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Li*, R. Hu, Bithiophene-based COFs for silver ions detection and removal, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 346 (2022) 112289.
[5] R. Luo, R. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Li*, C. He, Chitosan-covalent organic framework dual-layer membrane with high efficiency of iodine capture, Cellulose, (2022).
[6] Y. Li, Q. Wang, Y. Ju, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, R. Hu, Novel pyridine-based covalent organic framework containing N,N,N-chelating sites for selective detection and effective removal of nickel, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 9 (2022) 3845-3853.
[7] A. Shen, R. Luo, X. Liao, C. He, Y. Li*, Highly dispersed silver nanoparticles confined in a nitrogen-containing covalent organic framework for 4-nitrophenol reduction, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 5 (2021) 6923-6930.
[8] A. Shen, X. Liao, Y. Li*, Polyamine functionalized cotton fibers selectively capture negatively charged dye pollutants, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 623 (2021) 126666.
[9] R. Chen, T. Hu, Y. Li*, Stable nitrogen-containing covalent organic framework as porous adsorbent for effective iodine capture from water, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 159 (2021) 104806.
[10] Y. Li*, Y. Li, Q. Zhao, L. Li, R. Chen, C. He, Cotton fiber functionalized with 2D covalent organic frameworks for iodine capture, Cellulose, 27 (2020) 1517-1529.
[11] L. Li, R. Chen, Y. Li, T. Xiong, Y. Li*, Novel cotton fiber-covalent organic framework hybrid monolith for reversible capture of iodine, Cellulose, 27 (2020) 5879-5892.
1. 第十四届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛省赛二等奖
2. 湖北省第十四届大学生化学(化工)学术创新成果报告会三等奖
3. 湖北省第十六届大学生化学(化工)学术创新成果报告会二等奖